Apple has announced “Back to School” offers in which it is bundling for free the AirPods with Mac laptops and Pencil with iPads. Moreover, the US-based technology giant is offering its AppleCare+ plans with up to 20 per cent off. The offers are now live on Apple Education store and will be applicable until September 30. Apple is also launching new bookable sessions at Apple Stores to assist students choose a Mac laptop based on their preference, use and need. Here are the offers detail:
Apple Back to School: AirPods with Macs
During the offer period, students purchasing select Mac devices can get AirPods (third generation) with a “Lightning Charging case” at no additional cost. Alternatively, other AirPods are available at a discounted price.
AirPods (3rd generation) with MagSafe Charging Case
Price: Rs 20,900
Discounted price with Mac: Rs 1,000
AirPods Pro (2nd generation) with MagSafe Charging Case (USB??’C)
Price: Rs 24,900
Discounted price with Mac: Rs 5,000
AirPods Max
Price: Rs 59,900
Discounted price with Mac: Rs 40,000
The offers are available on the following Mac devices:
MacBook Air with M2 -
MacBook Air with M3 -
MacBook Pro 14-inch with M3 -
MacBooK Pro 16-inch with M3 -
iMac with M3 -
Mac mini with M2
Apple Back to School: Apple Pencil with iPads
During the offer period, students purchasing select iPad models can get the new Apple Pencil Pro or the Apple Pencil with USB-C at no additional cost.
Eligible iPad models
iPad Pro 13-inch (M4) -
iPad Pro 11-inch (M4) -
iPad Air 13-inch (M2) -
iPad Air 11-inch (M2)
In addition to the offers, Apple is launching new bookable sessions at Apple stores to help students choose the right Mac laptop based on their personal college experience, customise features to fit their needs, and explore options to fit their budget.
On its online store, Apple has redesigned the education section to make it easy for students to take advantage of services like upgrading and trade-in, migrating to Mac or iOS, personalised shopping support, and more.
First Published: Jun 21 2024 | 10:40 AM IST