Marshall has launched in India the Minor IV true wireless earbuds. The earbuds are aimed at providing users with signature sound, comfort and exceptional battery life, said the British manufacturer of audio products. Users can also experience personalised earbud interaction through the dedicated Marshall app. Minor IV by Marshall will be available for purchase from June 15 on Marshall’s official website at Rs 11,999.
Marshall Minor IV: Details
The Minor IV arrives with Marshall Signature Sound, which the company said offers balance audio experience. The Marshall Minor IV will offer over 30 hours of playtime. These wireless earbuds boast redesigned earbuds and stem for better fit. The earbuds are water-resistant and crafted to resist unfavourable conditions.
Offering easier playback navigation and call management, the earbuds can be connected to multiple devices at the same time with Bluetooth multipoint connectivity and users can customise music through Marshall’s dedicated app.
The Minor IV also arrives with an in-app battery preservation feature. The earbuds support Bluetooth LE audio, which it said will result in better audio quality while increasing streaming range and enhancing audio sync especially while watching video.
Marshall Minor IV: Specifications
Drivers: 12 mm, dynamic
Driver impedance: 32 ohm
Frequency response: 20 Hz – 20 kHz
Weight (charging case): 39.41 g
Weight: 7.39g
Battery: Playtime 7 hours in earbuds, 30+ total hours with case
Charging: 1.1 hours to recharge earbuds, 2 hours to recharge charging case with USB-C
First Published: Jun 13 2024 | 4:55 PM IST