Pradosh Vrat, a revered Hindu fasting tradition dedicated to Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati, falls on the Trayodashi tithi (13th day) of both Krishna Paksha and Shukla Paksha in the Hindu lunar calendar, occurring twice every month. People of all ages and genders across India observe this vrat with a deep devotion to honour Lord Shiva and Devi Parvati. In some regions, worshippers specifically venerate Lord Shiva’s Nataraj form on this auspicious day. The term ‘pradosh’ in Hindi signifies ‘related to the evening’ or ‘the first part of the night’. This fasting ritual is named Pradosh Vrat because it is observed during the evening twilight or ‘Sandhyakaal’. From date to history, scroll down to learn more. (Also read: Nirjala Ekadashi 2024: Date, history, shubh muhurat, significance and everything you need to know )
Pradosh Vrat June 2024: Date and Timing
The Pradosh Vrat in June will be observed on Tuesday, June 19. According to Drik Panchang, the auspicious timings to observe the fast are as follows:
Pradosh Vrat June 2024 Date – 19th June 2024
Trayodashi Tithi Begins – 7:29 AM, 19th June 2024
Trayodashi Tithi Ends – 7:49 AM, 20th June 2024
Pradosh Vrat June 2024 Significance
In Hindi, ‘pradosh’ means ‘first part of the night’ or ‘associated with the evening’. This sacred vrat is called Pradosh vrat because it is observed during the evening twilight known as “Sandhyakaal”. According to Hindu legends, Pradosh is considered auspicious as it brings joy, satisfaction and blessings from Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. Devotees of Lord Shiva observe this vrat to seek heavenly blessings and spiritual benefits.
Pradosh Vrat June 2024 Rituals
1. Devotees prepare for the puja by bathing an hour before sunset.
2. Lord Shiva, Goddess Parvati, Lord Ganesh, Lord Kartik, and Nandi are worshipped initially. Subsequently, Lord Shiva is invoked and worshipped inside a sacred pot called “Kalasha,” filled with water and placed on darbha grass with a lotus design.
3. The Shivalinga is bathed with holy liquids such as ghee, milk, and curd, followed by offering Bilva leaves, considered highly auspicious during Pradosh vrat.
4. Following the rituals, devotees read stories from the Shiva Purana or listen to the Pradosh vrat katha.
5. Devotees chant the Mahamrityunjaya mantra 108 times. After the puja, they apply holy ash to their foreheads and drink water from the Kalasha.