Legendary cricketer Sachin Tendulkar took to X (formerly Twitter) on Friday, December 20, to praise a young girl whose bowling action bears a striking resemblance to former Indian pacer Zaheer Khan. The girl, identified as Sushila Meena, is a budding left-arm fast bowler from a village in Rajasthan. A viral video shows Sushila practicing her bowling barefoot, which showcases a remarkable passion for the sport. What caught Tendulkar’s attention was her smooth, effortless action, reminiscent of Zaheer Khan. In the clip, Sushila’s signature jump before releasing the ball closely mirrors the former Indian great’s bowling style. Tendulkar, impressed by the young talent, reposted the video with slow-motion edits to emphasise the similarity for fans.
Zaheer Khan replied to Tendulkar’s post saying,”You’re spot on with that, and I couldn’t agree more. Her action is so smooth and impressive—she’s showing a lot of promise already!” The video was originally shared on Instagram by “Ishwar Aamliya,” who appears to be Sushila’s coach. It has garnered widespread attention, amassing lakhs of views and an outpouring of praise in the comments. Sushila, a Class 5 student, is often seen bowling with determination, even in her school uniform. Her story highlights the raw talent emerging from rural India and the potential of grassroots cricket.
Watch the video here-
Zaheer Khan, one of India’s most celebrated fast bowlers, debuted in 2000 and became the backbone of India’s pace attack during his career. With 311 Test wickets and 282 ODI dismissals to his name, Zaheer remains an icon of Indian cricket.
Tendulkar’s acknowledgment of Sushila is not just a moment of encouragement for her but a recognition of young talents flourishing in unconventional settings. His words reflect the immense potential of India’s cricketing future, where passion and dedication can overcome all barriers. Sushila Meena’s journey, inspired by cricketing legends, serves as a beacon for aspiring cricketers, showing that raw talent, when nurtured, can shine on the global stage.