Nestled amidst the bustling streets of Santacruz, lies a contemporary speakeasy, situated above Mansionz by Living Liquidz – Charlee, the brainchild of the renowned restaurateur Suren Joshi in partnership with entrepreneur Mokksh Sani, Managing Director, Living Liquidz and Co- Founder of Cartel Bros and The Glenwalk.
“With Charlee, we wanted to create a hidden haven where guests embark on a global vegetarian adventure. A place where playful curiosity meets culinary artistry. It`s not just about the food; it`s about an unforgettable dining experience that sparks conversation, ignites the senses, and leaves you yearning for more,” states Suren Joshi, Founder of Charlee.
Forget speakeasy whispers; Charlee`s interior design is a captivating blend of raw and refined. Unfinished concrete, stone, and wired mesh juxtaposed against sleek brushed brass create a delightfully chic atmosphere. The strategic use of gold accents lifts the space, adding a touch of luxury to the grey and black backdrop.
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“At Charlee, we`ve shattered the myth of vegetarian limitations, crafting a global tapestry of flavours that bursts with innovation and confidence. Here, you won`t find tired veggie tropes – instead, prepare to be surprised, delighted, and utterly convinced that vegetarian cuisine can take centre stage,” adds Mokksh Sani, co-founder of Charlee.
Charlee`s menu transcends mere vegetarian fare. It`s a vibrant tapestry woven with global flavours, each dish meticulously crafted to transport you on a culinary odyssey. Start your journey with playful bar bites – Truffle Fries served alongside a truffle mayo or The Bangkok Cocktail Samosa, drizzled with imli chutney, a delightful nod to Indian street food.
For a lighter start, delve into the Cold Plates section. The Beetroot and Mango Carpaccio is a symphony of textures and flavours. For a taste of the unexpected, the Avocado & Miso Ceviche combines the creamy avocado with a touch of miso magic, creating a truly unique experience.
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Charlee`s small plates are a celebration of culinary artistry. Nori Nachos offer a playful twist on the classic, featuring crisp nori papad topped with a vibrant aubergine & avocado tartare. Charlee`s Baked Brie showcases a decadent blend of spiced honey and sumac nestled within a bed of figs. For the adventurous palate, the Spicy Japanese Lotus Root offers a delightful crunch with a fiery kick.
Charlee`s main course selection caters to diverse palates. Indulge in the Gobi Ghee Roast, where confit cauliflower meets a rich Malvani gravy, or the Truffle Eggplant Bharta, a smoky masterpiece layered with truffle butter and sun-dried tomatoes. Mock meat takes centre stage in the Tandoori Chicken, a flavourful rendition of the classic dish, or the Naga Chili Chicken, a fiery treat balanced with grilled pineapple. For a taste of the Orient, explore the Tom Yum Noodles or the Pad Kee Mao, both vibrant and bursting with authentic flavours.
Charlee`s dessert menu provides the perfect finale to your culinary adventure. The Mango & Yuzu offers a refreshing burst of citrus, while the Hangover Chocolate promises a delightful indulgence with its rich chocolate and cherry combination.
Address: 1st Floor, Vatsala Niwas, CHS, Plot, 65B, Linking Rd, Santacruz West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400054