Music reality show ‘Indian Idol 15’ commenced last month with judges Badshah, Shreya Ghoshal, and Vishal Dadlani. As the new season hits television sets across households, viewers are hooked on singers who have stood out. However, one singer in particular is receiving flak from a section of netizens, as they accuse her of cheating.
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Why is ‘Indian Idol 15’ singer Radha Srivastava receiving flak
One user wrote, “Radha Srivastava performed one of Baleshwar Yadav’s songs on a reality show, presenting it as her own creation. This highlights how the work of true artists is sometimes claimed by others. Though many have built their names using others` creations, artists like Baleshwar Yadav.”
Radha Srivastava performed one of Baleshwar Yadav’s songs on a reality show, presenting it as her own creation. This highlights how the work of true artists is sometimes claimed by others. Though many have built their names using others creations, artists like Baleshwar Yadav
— kundan yadav (@Kundan84364005) November 10, 2024
“Radha Srivastava is the female singer being referred to. She seemingly emulated the signature style of Bhojpuri legend Baleshwar Yadav and presented it as her own on Indian Idol. Vishal Dadlani, this situation involves alleged plagiarism, casting doubt on the singer`s legitimacy,” added another.
Radha Srivastava is the female singer being referred to. She seemingly emulated the signature style of Bhojpuri legend Baleshwar Yadav and presented it as her own on Indian Idol. I have previously suggested that exploiting others` work for personal gain is not typical of the…
— Dharmaraj Bharti (@Dharmarajkum) November 10, 2024
When Vishal Dadlani schooled a contestant for imitating other singers
Earlier, music composer Vishal Dadlani encouraged a contestant to sing in his original style on the singing reality show ‘Indian Idol 15’. 23-year-old contestant Lakshya, who sang ‘Tum Kya Mile’ and ‘Pehli Nazar Mein’, hoped to impress the judges with his vocals. But the judges criticised him for copying other famous singers.
Vishal stopped Lakshya’s audition mid-way, and said, “Aap original singers ke inflections aapke gaane mein daal rahe hain, first with Arijit, then with Atif. You’re not using your original singing style. This is ‘Indian Idol’ where Idols are born. You can’t get ahead here by initiating someone.”
He further mentioned, “You perform in public, right? Often in shows, when you imitate other artistes, you win praise from the audience because they want to listen to the songs as they know it. But until you don’t make an identity of your own, you will never become a star. You cannot become an Indian Idol singing in someone else’s style. This is my problem”.
‘Indian Idol 15’ airs on Sony Entertainment Television.
(With inputs from IANS)